
“A” rarely if ever equals “A” only

Sully wrote: When someone says “A” you look for a reason he may really mean “B”. Absolutely. “A” has no intrinsic meaning. “A” is defined only ever by a “B,” a “C,” a “D” and so on, backwards and forwards,

Posted in Philosophy, Religion Tagged with: , , , , ,

Almost Everyone vs. The Whole Thing

From Schopenhauer through Strauss and beyond, the rebels fail to grasp Hegel’s thought on its own terms, or, if they grasp it at all, they soon discard or conceal it. This claim may also seem like a large one, but the most ambitious and unlikely claim of all, it turns out, is not the claim of a complete or comprehensive philosophy, but the claim that the Hegelian is precluded from making: to have created a new philosophy, to have stepped philosophy beyond philosophy’s own shadow.

Posted in Books, Featured, History, Philosophy Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

to blog or not to blog or to notblog-blog

…am not much moved by current events… almost everything I’ve written over the last few weeks has had no particular peg to “what’s happening in the world” beyond the fact that it happened to be what I happened to be

Posted in Meta, Miscellany, Philosophy Tagged with: , , , ,

Two Questions regarding Post-Christian Religion

At the end of the discussion under “Theo-Anthropology and the Essence of Christianity,” we temporarily got caught up in a dire internecine struggle over the specifics of schools or sects of Buddhism in relation to the Hegelian critique of Christian

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Among the things about which I have no time to care

Still working on getting around to working on some things I need to work on, but I thought I’d take a point of personal privilege and remark upon just how little I care about revolutionary Christine O’Donnell’s Republican Senate primary

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America agonistes

The exchange over the weekend between Rex and Fuster has helped me to organize some thoughts about American conservatism.  I hope to have something more hopeful or positive to say at a later time, but, in a way that I

Posted in International Relations, Politics, US History Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

GWF was the man…

If a content is to be discussed philosophically, it will bear only scientific and objective treatment; in the same way, the author will regard any criticism expressed in a form other than scientific discussion of the matter itself merely as

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