
Patrick Porter: Never Alone: Let’s Retire the Word “Isolationism” – War on the Rocks

In the race for the presidency, critics brand as “isolationist” Donald Trump’s curious foreign policy offering of protection rackets, forced wall-financing, debt defaulting, and murderous bombardment… Expanding America’s bombardment of the Islamic State to the families of terrorists is not

Posted in International Relations, Noted & Quoted Tagged with: ,

McCarthy’s unusually actually reasonably conservative conservative foreign policy

Tweets of 2014.07.16

Posted in International Relations, Neo-Imperialism, notes, Twitterei Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

What they mean by “neo-isolationist”

The Republican neo-imperialists believe that the empire needs to be more aggressively defended and wherever possible expanded. The Democratic neo-imperialists believe that the empire needs mainly to be secured, or, if expanded, expanded via collaboration. The citizenry appears somewhat agnostic or passive on the main questions, except when unsettled by events suggestive of a possible un-managed and abrupt rollback that would also entail a downward adjustment in consumption and other disruptions of accustomed expectations – a possibility or set of possibilities that few outside the neo-imperial mainstream seem equipped to analyze concretely.

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, Politics Tagged with: , , , , ,