
Kate Brannen: The Knives Are Out for Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster – Just Security

Inside the White House, opponents of Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, President Donald Trump’s second national security adviser, want him out. This week, they’ve made their campaign against him public, leaking to reporters details about the rocky relationship he has with

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness Tagged with: , , ,

Robert Bateman: The James Mattis I Saw Behind Closed Doors – Esquire

I think I know what Mattis is trying to do by accepting this position, and it is not because he supports Mr. Trump: Mattis is sacrificing himself. He knows that this will not end well, but he’s doing it in

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Politics Tagged with: , ,

Mattis: Not Ike, but the Right Shape

It is perfectly normal, and beyond that it is natural and altogether archetypical, for human communities in times of crisis to look for and seek to rally behind a commanding figure. The American electoral process is in many ways already the institutionalization of crisis even in the normal course of events, and this year, with one of the two major parties struggling to fight off a hostile takeover by a crypto-fascist and his movement, has had more of that character than usual.

Posted in Featured, Political Philosophy, Politics Tagged with: , ,