
Fred Kaplan: How will Trump react to reports that Russia was trying to get him elected? – Slate

Obama is famously resistant (some have said he’s “allergic”) to escalating conflicts, especially if the conflict doesn’t threaten vital U.S. interests. But the United States has few interests more vital than assuring that a foreign power doesn’t tilt a presidential

Posted in Noted & Quoted, The Russian Angle Tagged with: ,

“The Kremlin Didn’t Elect Trump – Obama Did”: Outline of Implications of Russian Information Operations in the 2016 Elections

Observers from center right to left, and including recognized security experts as well as pundits or political intellectuals, are now claiming that the Russian government under Vladimir Putin made war upon the United State of America; that the government and people of the United States, under the presidency of Barack Obama, failed to offer a serious defense; and that we in America as well as friends and allies have suffered an historic defeat.

Posted in International Relations, notes, Operation American Greatness, Politics, War Tagged with: , ,

Jonathan Chait: How the Republican War on Obamacare Explains Trump – New York Magazine

The party’s refusal to cooperate with Obama on any major issue, and its dogmatic insistence that Obamacare must be destroyed, is a sign of its intellectual rot. The GOP’s refusal to support the principle of universal health insurance makes it

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Richard Wolffe: The GOP tried to sink Obama. Instead, the party imploded – The Guardian

The Republican party did not entirely fail to destroy Barack Obama. For a few years, aided by the great recession, they almost succeeded. But then they contrived to revive him by nominating a man who would destroy everything Obama stood

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Politics Tagged with: , ,

The Pathos of the Rational Leader: Goldberg’s Obama

How can a nation survive, can its institutions function, can it prosper and triumph, can the People experience or aspire to satisfaction without recourse at some point to such “tribalism”? The President cannot answer, because no one can.

Posted in International Relations, Neo-Imperialism, The Exception Tagged with: , ,

To Degrade and, Ultimately, To Destroy (1)

The President’s summary of his policy on the Islamic State or on “the group known as ISIL” was not elegantly enunciated: “To degrade and ultimately destroy” is a compound infinitive phrase that is pitched to the demotic or colloquial in

Posted in Featured, Neo-Imperialism, War Tagged with: , ,

Fact, Value, and the Destruction of Daesh

Not very long ago, “Islamic state” might have referred to a Western stereotype of “Mohammadean” passivity and fatalism. Today, while the West sometimes seems to have been overtaken by the condition or some version of it, the phrase now stands

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, War Tagged with: , , ,

Impervious to the Tweeting Cure (Storified Exchanges with an Obama critic)

[View the story “Impervious to the Tweeting Cure (So Far)” on Storify]

Posted in International Relations, Neo-Imperialism, Twitterei Tagged with: , , , ,

After East Ghouta 4: Inconvenient Empathies

Soon, in whatever state or state of states or unstate we are found, today’s neo-isolationists of left and right may find themselves exposed to ironies mirroring those now felt by the neo-conservatives of just the other day, who thought they were advancing a needed heightening, deepening, and expansion of engagement, but instead reinforced an older impulse to wash one’s hands of it all.

Posted in Featured, History, International Relations, Neo-Imperialism, War Tagged with: , , , , ,

After East Ghouta 1: Minimum Leader

If at this moment the President appears less than he was, he is the image of our own self-diminution reflected back at us: His state is our state.

Posted in Featured, International Relations, Neo-Imperialism, War Tagged with: , , , ,