
“no uplifting realist”

Leon Wieseltier, in “Obama Was Wrong[:] The Era of Humanitarian Intervention Is Not Over”: Barack Obama believed that he could preside over the end of humanitarian intervention, which he called simply war. He was momentously wrong… History, whose course he

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, notes, Political Philosophy, War Tagged with: , ,

McCarthy’s unusually actually reasonably conservative conservative foreign policy

Tweets of 2014.07.16

Posted in International Relations, Neo-Imperialism, notes, Twitterei Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

non-ideally realistic is the ideal realism and real idealism etc.

Realistically, a merely more rather than ideally realistic policy may be as much as is really achievable, and for any realist president will remain the ideal.

Posted in International Relations, Politics, War Tagged with: , , , ,