
Respecting an Establishment of Religion

Every nation gets the religion that it believes in.

Posted in Anismism, Philosophy, Politics, US History Tagged with: , , , , ,

Re: Modern American True Civic Religion vs. Pre-Modern Cultish Religion in North Carolina

The would-be North Carolina establishers of a modified pre-modern Christian cult cannot rise without the True Civic Religion of American Constitutionalism under Holy Democratic Popular Sovereignty falling that same little bit. But the True Civic Religion is powerful and pervasive. It would have a very long way to still to fall, even if the reactionary cult happens to seize control of a city council somewhere for long enough to have a few somewhat sectarian prayers said before sessions, or to put the emblems of the cult on the same level as a team mascot.

Posted in Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Politics, Religion Tagged with: , , ,

They don’t know how to love him

Diane Suffern at the HotAir Greenroom calls attention to another art world desecration of a desecration: Here’s the statement from the artist’s web catalog: The destruction of the Enrique Chagoya “The Misadventures of the Romantic Cannibals” at the Loveland Museum

Posted in Art, Politics, Religion Tagged with: , ,