#Republican Party

Republicans are openly considering Donald Trump’s ’emotional stability’, says Carl Bernstein – The Independent

Donald Trump’s “emotional maturity [and] stability” are being discussed in private by senior members of his own political party, according to veteran Washington journalist Carl Bernstein, in a turn of events he has described as unprecedented.Bernstein was speaking on CNN

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@MBGlenn: ‘Stand Up Republic’ is exactly that, to the chagrin of Erick Erickson… – The Collision Blog

Erickson is so busy thrusting his arm down into the sewer of this Presidency, in hopes of finding a quarter, that he can’t even see the big picture anymore. The cornerstone of “Never Trump” was the knowledge that the dangerous

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Jonathan Chait: The 2016 Election Is a Disaster Without a Moral – New York Magazine

The alliance of Trump’s corruption and Paul Ryan’s social Darwinism presents Democrats with the simplest messaging challenge any opposition party has faced in memory. The most unpopular nominee in the recorded history of polling managed to very, very narrowly beat

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Jennifer Rubin: Trump voters: We did hear you; we just thought better of you – Washington Post

If one party goes far, far left and the other goes nativist-populist, the center-left and center-right would need to join forces and put forth an alternative that fills in a huge ideological gap. They would: Refuse to favor one-half of

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Jonathan Chait: The GOP’s Age of Authoritarianism Has Only Just Begun – New York

The likelihood that Hillary Clinton will win on November 8 reduces the possibility of total conservative control within the next four years. But Trump has revealed — and hastened — the Republican Party’s transformation. In June, Ed Conard, a former

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Francis Wilkinson: GOP Civil War Is Clinton’s to Win – Bloomberg View

Trump’s crusade to alienate a record number of college-educated white women voters seems likely to succeed. A vicious war waged by congressional Republicans against the first woman president may do for women what unscrupulous attacks against the nation’s first black

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Ryan Lizza: The Post-Trump Fate of the Reformicons – The New Yorker

Trump became the Frankenstein’s monster of Reformicon candidates, taking on the group’s respectable positions—such as skepticism about the economic benefits of immigration—and rendering them into an indefensible state. Frum, the author of “Why Romney Lost,” told me, “I feel like

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Charles Cook: Donald Trump Leaves a Car Wreck Behind – National Journal

No mat­ter who wins, the odds of a re­ces­sion over the next four years are pretty good, something ob­vi­ously bad for the coun­try but giv­ing Re­pub­lic­ans an op­por­tun­ity to bounce back—but only if they right a party ap­par­at­us that is

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Max Boot: What the Hell Happened to My Republican Party? – Foreign Policy

As someone who has been laboring in my own small way to advance conservative principles since the 1980s (I have written for all of the major conservative publications and served as a foreign-policy advisor to the McCain, Romney, and Rubio

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Re: @dscotto10’s GOPocalypse, Part 2: The Upstart – Ordinary Times

Rubio’s neoconservatism referenced bygone and imagined new eras of dominance, but Rubio’s campaign and relative to Trump and Christie Rubio himself expressed, embodied, and seemed even to undergo, or perhaps to re-enact, its emasculation.

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