
“The Kremlin Didn’t Elect Trump – Obama Did”: Outline of Implications of Russian Information Operations in the 2016 Elections

Observers from center right to left, and including recognized security experts as well as pundits or political intellectuals, are now claiming that the Russian government under Vladimir Putin made war upon the United State of America; that the government and people of the United States, under the presidency of Barack Obama, failed to offer a serious defense; and that we in America as well as friends and allies have suffered an historic defeat.

Posted in International Relations, notes, Operation American Greatness, Politics, War Tagged with: , ,

Itani and Abouzahr: Lessons from Russia’s Intervention in Syria – Atlantic Council

Whatever its merits, the United States’ limited involvement in Syria granted Russia a powerful first-mover advantage, which in turn has complicated US policy options, granted a strategic foothold to a historical rival, facilitated mass atrocities, and undermined the concept of

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, Noted & Quoted, War Tagged with: ,

Economic and Special Warfare Are Also the Health of the State

The Roosevelt-Marshall welfare-warfare state and the global regime it fought and worked into existence remain intact but under pressure. They still depend on an ability to project beyond themselves, both economically as well as militarily, and both morally as well as practically.

Posted in Featured, Neo-Imperialism, Political Philosophy, Politics, War Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,