#The American Conservative

Daniel McCarthy: Why I joined the list of intellectuals for Trump – The Spectator

If President Trump does keep out of wars like the one the last Republican president started in Iraq, if he limits immigration and helps restore the US labour force to prosperity, he will have done what no other Republican or

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Politics Tagged with: ,

Larison’s Feaver

Larison himself is among those frequently and pointedly making the argument that Larison says no one ever makes.

Posted in International Relations, Neo-Imperialism, War Tagged with: , ,

Two exchanges on Paul v the Exceptional Circumstance

Final responsibility for the defense of the constitutional order necessarily implies the ability to dissolve the constitutional order – if not by ordering up a nuclear war or declaring a state of emergency, and so on, then by simple failure to act against a threat to it or to fulfill the responsibility of his office. The scope of presidential power is in this sense at least commensurate to the scope of the legal order.

Posted in Philosophy, Politics, War Tagged with: , , ,

What they do not want to know about American democracy

The social contract is signed in blood.

Posted in Featured, Politics, The Exception, War Tagged with: , , , , ,

Bloody Hypocrites

Human beings have bloody borders and bloody innards. And are a bunch of bloody hypocrites.

Posted in International Relations, notes, Politics, Religion Tagged with: , ,