#The Nones

The Circa Five Multi-Purpose Collapsible Extensible Adjustable Folding Flexible Monopods of Faith

Did not mean to be snide, but I had a reaction to the linked post, as I have had to many posts by the same author, probably similar to Don Miguel’s reaction to me just the other day.

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Post-theism would be the obsolescence of traditional theisms in the age of the rise of the Nones, although I will continue to treat it as form under the more general heading of anismism, since any assertion of “ism” that does not immediately undermine itself remains ismistic.

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chart/comment at Daniel Silliman’s “Religiously unaffiliated now at 20%”

Could be that the end of the Cold War, and the removal of the atheist enemy/competitor, made it easier for Americans in general to drift away from politico-theological prior commitments.

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Only gradually… (toward anismism) (disbelief in disbelief 4)

“Out of the misty sea of myth, questions emerge; chaos arises… Only gradually can all these meanings of the uniqueness of being be developed.”

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Prophet of the Nones (disbelief in disbelief 3)

As far as I know, there is no single prophet of anismism, and that lack of a prophet may be appropriate if not inevitable to this particular anti-ideological ideological stance. If there could be such a prophet, however, Anandamayi Ma on first glance seems to fill that role well, which is to say incompletely and therefore completely, paradoxically and therefore simply, because her anismism extended crucially to the question or her own existence as a self.

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