
David Bentley Hart as Atheist (On Creative Principle and Creator Principal)

Simply to assert, as Hart very much seems to, that the truth of a religious tradition is utterly severable from every particular element of that tradition, that it is essentially irrelevant to the inquiry into religion what the mass of believers believe or say they believe or are asked to believe, is, for the atheist, bad faith: a mere changing of the subject if not a deception.

Posted in Anismism, Featured, Philosophy, Religion, Yoga Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Theologically Anti-Theological (a/theology 2)

“…the odd paradox whereby Bakunin, the greatest anarchist of the nineteenth century, had to become in theory the theologian of the anti-theological and in practice the dictator of an anti-dictatorship.”

Posted in Anismism, Featured, History, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, The Exception Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

foreign policy is theology by proxy

Foreign policy is theology by proxy, not merely because all important modern theories of the state are secularized theological concepts, nor merely because the relationship of the citizen to the modern nation-state is a sacrificial commitment, but because a stance implicitly on the fate of all humankind, on the world state of states and its possible purposes, and on the right relationship of each and all of us to each and all of us, is divined before it can be analyzed or expressed.

Posted in Featured, History, International Relations, Neo-Imperialism, notes, Philosophy, Politics Tagged with: , , ,