#Walter Russell Mead

No exceptionalism to the rule…

Even when confronting striking evidence that something is wrong and that no one has an implementable solution, even when imagining that at least they have stepped outside of political-philosophical gridlock, American pundits, politicians, and popular historians write with unquestioning optimism

Posted in Future History, History, US History Tagged with: , , , ,

The Cost of Islamophobia 2: The Goo Goo Genocidaires Vs The Lying Hatemongers

Walter Russell Mead was one of the two writers I quoted with respect and approval in yesterday’s “The Cost of Islamophobia” post, as I believed his analysis of Turkey’s  predicament supported the insistence on distinctions between different types of political,

Posted in Religion, War Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

The cost of Islamophobia

I’ve struggled to explain why I think the anti-Islamism/Islamophobia of Pamela Geller, Bruce Bawer, Andy McCarthy, and others is counterproductive, where not also despicable, by addressing it on its own terms, but a couple of recent articles by much more

Posted in International Relations, Religion Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,