zombie contentions – A Modest Alternative Perspective Here, I’m just pointing out that the diversity of our cultural reality is something I enjoy and that sometimes it’s better not to get swept up in a morally questionable celebratory tide. Just…
For two reasons, I’ve been hanging fire on replying to Jerome Slater’s essay “The Jewish State Controversy: Can Zionism Be Reconciled With Justice to the Palestinians?” First, I’ve been expecting the essay or at least a substantial excerpt to appear…
At Juan Cole’s joint, the good professor details what the Libya No-Fly Zone has accomplished in just a few days. He concludes: Pundits who want this whole thing to be over with in 7 days are being frankly silly. Those…
Though information technology now pervades both the most advanced “military estate” via the so-called “Revolution in Military Affairs,” as well as every sphere of political and cultural life, it maintains within itself the same original principles of self-sabotage and self-superannuation.