
Vox of the Voxless (Read The Comments 2)

All posts – as by further reasonable extension all articles, essays, treatises, books, Facebook updates, multimedia Snapchat ephemera, and retweeted links to images of the more photogenic galaxies – are commentary by other means

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Read the (Moderated) Comments! (1)

The destructive proliferation of anti-social expression in a given virtually social environment, producing a failure of the commons in the usual pattern, can always be traced to an unwillingness to invest in solutions.

Posted in Internet, Meta, Web Design Tagged with: , ,

Having your tweet and embedding it, too

If Twitter changes its API or, as also occurs, a quoted tweep’s account disappears, the embedded content may disappear along with it.

It’s easy, as I just discovered today, to have your tweet and embed it, too, and in a way that should, as we say, “degrade gracefully.”

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Adding a Tip Jar to Your Site – The Basics (2)

Now, there’s a lot more you can do with this code, now that you’ve started.

Posted in Monetization Tagged with: , , ,

Getting Over Yourself with WP to Twitter

We should notify people when we write about them. It’s better for them, and better for us. That’s all there is to it. So make it easier.

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Adding a Tip Jar To Your Site – The Basics

The easiest and most common way to begin making, or at least seeking, monetary returns on a blog or other site is to add a “tip jar” or donation link. This tutorial will consist of multiple posts, initially focused on beginners.

Posted in Monetization, Web Design Tagged with: , , ,

Making Tweet-Based WordPress Posts Easier: Hacking “Twitter Digest”

For now all I want is a tool for collecting tweets quickly and having them automatically placed in a draft post, in a form that I can easily manipulate.

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Site Monetization (Introduction)

The point for me will be as much to develop greater expertise – as well as methods, tools, research, and so on – that would be transferable to other virtual locales, for instance for writers who are more popular or well-established than I am, and who desire greater independence and security than they currently enjoy, but who do not possess requisite coding abilities and design experience.

Posted in Meta, Monetization, notes, Web Design Tagged with: ,

Customizing WordPress Search with Relevanssi

This is the first of what I intend to be a series of notes on WordPress and general installation, customization, development issues. I’ll mainly try to note what I’m doing as I do it, though in future entries I may also seek to catch up on and review what I’ve learned over the course of years working with WordPress and other Open Source applications, from my first efforts hacking PHP, CSS, and JAVA code that I only just barely understood, to writing my first functions and plug-ins the “right way” or as right as I can figure out how to do it.

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Expononsensiation – Phase 4

Storify version with twitter links at: http://storify.com/CK_MacLeod/expononsensiation; Sulia version at http://sulia.com/ck_macleod/f/5da98765-e1d1-477a-ba35-e5befb2c4e82/

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