jQuery-Filling an Input Box in WordPress Admin

…on how I think a textbox should be filled in WordPress Admin… from simple anchor links… and when the content – in this instance long image links – is too long to be nicely contained… plus some little tricks and things I never noticed or noticed I’d noticed before…

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Comparative Page Loads with and without Image Errors

This benefit of WP-RUBI is additional to the one of avoiding “the $8,000 mistake” of using unlicensed images, but for some sites will be much more important. 

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Getting Right with Image Rights: Workflow and Major Minor Upgrade

I discovered many non-rights-cleared images that I now think may have detracted from the posts in some ways, even if they initially seemed to make them more attractive or striking.

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Getting Right with Image Rights: WP Replace Unlicensed and Broken Images Plug-In

A primary use for WP-RUBI will be at sites where administrators have decided to remove images that have been used either without permission or under lapsed or lapsing usage licenses: Proper employment will help to reduce or eliminate legal and actual “exposure” quickly and easily, without harming the site’s search engine rankings and while preserving posts as originally composed, allowing for eventual restoration.

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