@ fuster:
The 3rd Act can cover an extended time period. Movie magic and all.

Am turning over in my mind, which really ought to be elsewhere, whether it's already too late for SP to do what Frum advises in the column I just RecBrowd. It would require SP to be different from who's she's been for a long time now... unless she actually would be perfectly content to bank her millions and hit the books now, and wait for the next moment. She's still young. It would be disappointing to her fans and hangers-on, but it might be the best for all concerned. So maybe she's right not to rise to this moment. Let her wrong persona, that's served her so well but now needs to be discarded, be another "victim" of this atrocity.

miguel cervantes wrote:

the herd of conformist minds

That's a sword that cuts both ways. Your herd vs. their herd.

@ miguel cervantes:
BTW on Gateway P's latest embarrassment:

Shameless: Jim Hoft Falls For Fake Facebook Profile In Attempt To Link Loughner To Obama

Don't want to say I told ya so... well, actually I do.

@ fuster:
Sure there are. I'd say SP is probably at the beginning of her 3rd Act already. If she's just another movie, that's the last act. If she's something more significant, then it's only about halfway through the narrative. It she's epic, then there are more plays to come, and your great-great grandchilden will still be working it all out.

I think I've made it clear which framework I consider most likely to apply.

@ miguel cervantes:
Dude, let it go... It's 2011 now. She was given her 2nd Act. She made the most of it. People have had plenty of opportunity to decide whether she is what they thought she was.

I think she's probably over. No need for you to be the last one to get the news. No one will blame you if you remain sympathetic and continue to hold out hope for her, but you might want to think about finding some other star to hitch your wagon to.

@ miguel cervantes:
"swarm tactic," "this type of campaign"? "We also know..."

"We" are not making any sense. I have no idea what "we" think that comment is supposed to indicate or imply about... anything in particular.

miguel cervantes wrote:

one is struck how his predilictions lean one way

if one reads about them mainly in web-sites whose predilections lean the other way, then, yes, one may well be so struck.

What does the great hero Sheriff's brilliant speechifying have to do with whether or not "justice" can be served?

never pointed out, like the fact that her church was vandalized, she was hung in effigy (unless spoken approvingly, as if she deserved it. That her personal emails were purloined and posted by unscrupulous parties, that might be mentioned on occasion,

if it was "never pointed out," then how do you know about it? If it was pointed out, as seems obvious, what would have been adequate coverage? Maybe a nationwide week of mourning every year on the anniversary of the event?

One a-hole in West Hollywood hanged an SP effigy on Halloween... the media leadership on FNC and elsewhere in "real America" day in and day out define Obama and the rest as enemy agents "Hell-bent" on destroying the country... But it's that effigy that really sticks in your craw...

@ fuster:
Nah, it was clearly because "the press" supports "firebombing" churches, especially rightwing churches.

@ miguel cervantes:
woops, the post seems to have been pulled... I wonder if "Gateway Pundit" was pwned by someone. It would be typical for him, though usually when he gets something wrong he just forges on as though nothing's happened.

miguel cervantes wrote:

Now you call that recitation of facts, personal,

Nope. Never did. Motivation for indulging in it might be, but that probably goes for everyone in the debate sooner or later. I'm not sure what to call that recitation of factoids joined to a meaningless pseudo-political characterization, since somehow it left out McVeigh, James Earl Ray, and Lindsay Lohan.

@ fuster:
Everything with the Palinistas seems to turn personal sooner or later... I still think that the political-cultural angle is stronger ground than the "how blameworthy is she" angle.

This event, including the hilariously in(s)ane damage control in a very typical way, is interesting politically-culturally not because Palin and those evil Tea Partiers killed all those people as sure as if they pulled the trigger. Anyone who believes that would have to be deranged. It's because it brands the period (that's a cattle metaphor, not a marketing one) that we've been in ever since last November - the counter-wave. Almost everything that worked for the TP up until then now has the potential to work against it. Lots of things, excuse the metaphor, that once seemed right on target are now likely to, excuse the metaphor, backfire.

I almost feel sorry for them - but then I read through a thread at HotAir on this subject, and remember why I lost interest. They really think that gnashing their teeth and wailing about the evil liberals can keep on working...

This isn't Oklahoma City, but the pattern, including the larger political context, is similar.

@ miguel cervantes:
So, what you're saying is that this was a BRILLIANT moment in PR by Mansour and Bruce, Political Damage Control of the highest order, likely to be studied for decades...